Google Sleep Scientist: How sleep loss “rots” your brain.

bioptimizers freedom alchemist kate austin magnesium paul greene sleep Nov 04, 2022


Have you heard the news?

Scientists can now predict how fast your brain will age… ⏰...Just by looking at your sleep tonight! 😨

Might be hard to believe, but it's 100% true! 👍

And it was discovered by Matthew Walker a.k.a The Sleep Diplomat. 🛌

 Matthew Walker has been a professor at both Harvard and UC Berkeley and he is currently working with Google to study the role of sleep on health and disease.

Experts consider him the world’s leading expert on studying sleep.🤓



In his research, it has been discovered that poor sleep—causes TERRIBLE damage to your brain. 🤯

In fact, sleeping poorly for just one night can cause your brain to build up a type of “toxic sludge” that is linked to: 


  • Memory loss 

  • And end-of-life cognitive decline.


It makes no difference if you're in your twenties or your eighties! 

If you don’t get a good night's sleep, the effect is exactly the same.☠️

But here is the GOOD NEWS!! 📰


Did you know that during sleep, your brain rinses this toxic sludge away? 😴


Get one good night of sleep and you can start reversing the damage. 👏


 Matthew Walker calls sleep a “washing machine” for your brain.💡 




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