What is NLP?


You have the tools to change old patterns, right down at the neurological level, without having without having to fight yourself in the process.

The results will be both internal and external, depending on what you want.


What is NLP?

You have the tools to change old patterns, right down at the neurological level, without having without having to fight yourself in the process.

The results will be both internal and external, depending on what you want.

If any of these are something you are looking to move then book a session with me!
  • Do you struggle in your work or relationships?
  • Would you like things to be easier?
  • Are you anxious or depressed?
  • Do you work too much or too hard for too little?
  • Is the life you want just out of reach?
  • Is there something amazing you are trying to create?
  • Do you keep hitting the same blocks in your life,  relationships, health, or money?
  • Do you need to increase your confidence?
  • Do you need to gain clarity on what you would like in your life and how to create it?


Everyone’s journey is different. Find the right package for you:



Most Popular - Save $210!




90 Minutes



Everyone’s journey is different. Find the right package for you:



Most Popular - Save $210!




90 Minutes


Are you a current member of one of our programs?

Then book here:


Are you a current member of one of our programs?

Then book here:


Which kind of change is going to produce the biggest effect?

When your patterns are wired to create what you want, almost anything is possible, and everything is so much easier.

  • • Getting clear on what you want most in life

  • • Discovering what’s in the way

  • • Understanding why things haven’t shifted

  • • Finding out what actually creates change

  • • Revising what’s in the way

  • • Setting your brain up to deliver the results you want

Which kind of change is going to produce the biggest effect?

When your patterns are wired to create what you want, almost anything is possible, and everything is so much easier.

  • • Getting clear on what you want most in life

  • • Discovering what’s in the way

  • • Understanding why things haven’t shifted

  • • Finding out what actually creates change

  • • Revising what’s in the way

  • • Setting your brain up to deliver the results you want

One Happy Client

"Kate was compassionate, kind, and gentle as she asked questions and responded to my answers, as she connected the dots for me - how a childhood experience was still lurking in the back of my thoughts, my soul. And this childhood experience was preventing me from experiencing complete freedom from an attack on my character that occurred in 9-20. It was truly remarkable how she helped me see what was lurking within. She did not give me the answers, she helped me find the answers myself by asking questions.

One of my favorite authors states it this way: "I have always been convinced that giving people answers rather than guiding them with questions makes them weaker. The right questions dig deeper and deeper into our assumptions, values, and motives. They clarify and expose what you are hiding -even from yourself". And this is what Kate did - she asked the right questions guiding me to discover truth for myself! The best answer is the right question! She used questions to cut straight to my heart, but with gentleness and compassion!"

One Happy Client 

"Kate was compassionate, kind, and gentle as she asked questions and responded to my answers, as she connected the dots for me - how a childhood experience was still lurking in the back of my thoughts, my soul. And this childhood experience was preventing me from experiencing complete freedom from an attack on my character that occurred in 9-20. It was truly remarkable how she helped me see what was lurking within. She did not give me the answers, she helped me find the answers myself by asking questions.

One of my favorite authors states it this way: "I have always been convinced that giving people answers rather than guiding them with questions makes them weaker. The right questions dig deeper and deeper into our assumptions, values, and motives. They clarify and expose what you are hiding -even from yourself". And this is what Kate did - she asked the right questions guiding me to discover truth for myself! The best answer is the right question! She used questions to cut straight to my heart, but with gentleness and compassion!"


If you would like to discover more, please fill out the form and I will get back to you.